These examples were created in my COM 220 Creating Multimedia Content class. Media content comes in many forms: text, photos, graphics, audio and video. In this course, students learn principles of aural and visual design, acquire knowledge of media production techniques, and create accessible content for the web and traditional media. The course features units on photography, audio and video recording and editing, and online content management.
This following project was a pairs commercial project. Our objective was to create a commercial to sell a real product or service. Shot composition, editing, graphics, audio and storytelling were evaluated. We chose to replicate an existing commercial.
*This was for educational purposes and is not affiliated with Clean and Clear Morning Burst.
For my final CMC video project, I created a mini-documentary about Elon University's chapter of Epsilon Sigma Alpha service organization. Our objective was to make a documentary video that tells a story by using video, audio and editing techniques. Shot composition, audio acquisition, storytelling and edit skills were evaluated. We had to follow documentary guidelines: have a given purpose, whether it is to inform or teach and it should be presented in a manner that makes it dramatic and attractive.